Empower yourself (or someone you love) with the reality-based women’s self-defense workshop. During this intensive class, you’ll learn simple, effective self-defense techniques how and apply them in real situations.

ACT Womens Self-Defense Workshop
The ACT Women’s Self-Defense Workshop provides comprehensive training in assault risk awareness, psychological self-defense, and physical self-defense techniques.
About the Workshop
In this comprehensive workshop, you will learn about:
- Asocial and Social Violence
- How Asocial Predators Operate
- How Social Predators Operate
- Color Codes of Awareness
- Deterring Predators
- Boundary Setting with Voice Commands
- Addressing with Bystander Apathy
- Avoiding Robbery, Abduction and Home Invasion
- Dealing with Harassment
- Dynamics of Sexual Assault
- Dynamics of Abusive Relationships
- Escapes from Wrist Grabs, Hair Grabs, Bear Hugs, Chokes, and More
- Vital Targets for Striking
- Basic Strikes with Hands, Elbows, Knees, and Feet
- Getting Up From the Ground Quickly and Safely
- Getting Someone Off of You Fast
The ACT curriculum is designed to improve your ability to recognize assault risk and equip you with strategies to reduce perpetrator advantages. Effective, easy to learn physical self-defense is taught so you can get away when there is no other option. During the workshop, there are two optional simulated attacks.
Who Should Attend?
This is the comprehensive self-defense education every female should receive. Due to some of the mature content, girls age 12 to 14 may participate with a parent or guardian. Girls 15 to 17 must have parent or guardian permission. Please see all of our class and workshop terms and conditions.
February 2018 Workshop
The February 2018 workshop will take place Saturday, February 10 and Sunday, February 11 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day. The workshop will be held at Black Flag Jiu-Jitsu Club, located on the southwest corner of 35th Avenue and Northern in Phoenix.
There are a limited number of spaces available for the February 2018 Women’s Self-Defense Workshop.